Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Getting Started for Dirt Cheap—12, 20, or more $$


The rulesets I recommend are cheap compatible with the majority of OSR stuff, and safe picks for any group. Some more exotic or wacky, but free, rulesets are given at the end of the post. Check them out, one might grab your eye.

Taxes, I did not factor in taxes. Usually a couple extra bucks.

Shipping, if included, is for WA, USA.

Amazon, if you don't have prime (free shipping), ask a friend.

Library Printing (LP), usually ~$0.10 a single-sided page. They may also have staplers and the big guillotine things, sometimes card-holders get a free printing allowance.

Packing Tape, put strips over paper, now you can use dry-erase markers.

One page dungeons, print some.

My Weather Hex-Flower